Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kenyon Update Month 4

Weighing in at 15lbs 15oz and measuring 25 inches long month 4 has brought some fun milestones. He is sleeping at least 9 hours at night and takes 3 good naps during the day. He goes about 4 hours between eating, which gives mom a little more time to do things around the house. He coos and giggles a lot, especially when his brother and sisters are entertaining him.
He is rolling over from tummy to back and from back to tummy. In fact you lay him down on his back and he immediately rolls to his tummy.

He doesn't like to lay down all that much and enjoys the new Bumbo chair we got him. He has outgrown the swing and now loves his exersaucer. He still has tons of hair and we're not willing to cut it yet (it's just too cute). A bib has also become a regular accessory to his everyday wardrobe. If you've been around him lately you know exactly how much he drools. He goes through 4 bibs and at least 2 outfits a day!


Leah said...

I love love love his hair. He is changing like everyday...what a cutie patootie!

Beth said...

He is SO cute!

SouthernAZ WOLFINGTON said...

Good to hear he is sleeping so well!

Cara said...

Love the hair. Don't cute it yet, enjoy that crazy stage.