Wednesday, August 08, 2007


First Did you know I'm doing a preschool. We sacrificed our playroom and tranformed it into a preschool room. Here are the results. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Second. Here is my baby boy on his first day. Interesting fact - his teacher and I went to the same junior high & high school. We were on the cheer squad together. The picture above is him lined up ready to go. The one below is him posing in front of the mass chaos that is the first day of school. I always prided myself on not being a sappy mom, but as Jeff gave him a father's blessing this morning I found that my eyes welled up with tears. I held it together as we dropped him off but the tears are right on the surface and probably will be all day. Man I love that kid!!


Jill said...

Was he SO much taller than the other kindergartners in line? He looks big and yet... so small! I cant believe he goes to school!

Wolfingtons said...

He is the tallest in his class, but only by a couple of inches. I thought that he would tower over all of them.

Anonymous said...

He is going to love school!! He is the best looking kid on the playground! Grandma J

Your school room looks great!

Leah said...

Your classroom looks awesome! And what a cute student!

SouthernAZ WOLFINGTON said...

preschool teacher extraordinaire! Your room looks great.