Saturday, January 20, 2007

Big Changes

In addition to the new baby that Karolyn and I have welcomed into the world this week, I have to announce another major change to any that care. I have changed jobs and careers. (If you can call what I was doing a career.) I got a job through a friend in the ward at Classy Closets. I will be working with customers to design thier dream closets/ home office/ kitchen/ media centers or garages. It is a far more interesting job with considerably less attic crawling and digging. Flexible hours and flexible income (hopefully upwardly flexible) are some of the other attractions to this. I really feel like this is a new/ better direction for me and my family and I'm excited to get started. If you or anyone you know is ready to drop some coin on a seriously organized and beautiful closet or office, give me a ring. My new cell number is 480-276-8647.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Here is another great picture of Ashleigh, just after her first bath. Isn't she cute!

Wolfington Kids

Our three favorite people. Sorry every one else. But it's true. Logan loves to hold Ashliegh. Makenzie is excited but not quite sure what to think just yet. She's still our princess and probably not ready to share the castle.

This is Ashleigh Hazel Wolfington. She was born Jan 18th at 7:29 am at Desert Samaritan in Mesa. She weighed a healthy 9lbs 3oz and stretched 20 1/2". She is the runt of the Wolfington litter. Logan was 9 7 and Makenzie was 9 6 and both were 21 1/2". Ashliegh has hints of fimiliarity with her siblings at this age but not as much as Logan and Makenzie looked alike. It looks like we have a unique and wonderfull person on our hands.